Retirement & Estate Planning Made Easy
Retirement & Estate Planning Made Easy
Below is our 24 question quiz on Estate Planning. Please take the quiz in order to gain insights on your current financial situation.

Are Your Financial Affairs in Order?
When you're getting ready to retire, or you're planning your estate, there are a number of facets & small details that can make a huge difference. Do you think you've got your affairs in order? Complete this brief quiz and let's find out.
What We Do
Retirement Income Planning
When you are working full-time, managing your money is easy. Your paycheque came in twice a month from your employer.
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Retirement Spending Planning
You’ve spent your entire working life saving for retirement and lots of people have helped you along the way.
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Estate Planning
A lot people think Estate Planning is only something rich people do. But really, Estate planning is just a fancy way of saying “what happens to your money and your property when you die.”
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Wealth Transfer Planning
When it comes to passing on money to loved ones, a number of factors come into play.
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Final Expense Planning
Imagine for a moment, that it’s one of the worst days of your life. You’ve just lost someone who meant the world to you.
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Group Benefits/Health Spending Accounts
I have a large number of clients that are business owners. As a service to them and as a business owner myself, I started offering Group Benefits to them as well.
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